Conference Host Hotel:
Our conference host hotel is the beautiful and centrally-located:
Marriott Tucson University Park
880 East Second St., Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
1 520.792.4100
Notice (6 May 2019): The room block for the host hotel has been filled. You can still possibly book a room at this hotel at the discounted rate, depending upon the hotel's availability. But to do so, you must follow the following instructions and identify yourself as part of Phononics 2019:
1. Email (Please note: to get the discounted rate, based on availability, you must email Tara Oursler of the Marriott University Park Hotel directly. The previous link is no longer applicable, and you cannot get the reduced rate by booking online.)
2. In your email include:
Your name
Conference: Phononics 2019
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Please write: "I am with Phononics 2019 Conference and am requesting the discounted rate of $119/night + tax."
3. She will email you directly to book the hotel room if there is availability.
If you have any questions or any issues, please contact Alaina G. Levine, Phononics 2019 Conference Manager, or 1 520 240 6538 (phone or whatsapp).
The discounted rate is $119/night + tax.
This hotel is only 0.64km (0.4 miles) from the conference venue, the University of Arizona (UA) Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building, 1064 E Lowell St, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
Remember to email directly to see if there is availability for you to book your room with this hotel.
Residence Halls (Dorms) on the campus of The University of Arizona:
A limited number of dorm rooms will be available for students and postdocs to reserve at a deeply discounted rate (~$45/night based on double occupancy).
The rooms will come with linens and you can reserve a room that you share with another conference participant at a discounted rate.
**If you are interested in reserving a residence hall (dorm) room, you must email by 15 April 2019, subject line: Dorms. In the body of your email include: check in and check out dates, gender (for room assignment), accessibility needs.
Additional Nearby Hotels:
Brand new hotel in the heart of downtown Tucson
151 East Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 85701 USA
+1 520-385-7111
Located 2km from Conference Venue; however, the Tucson Street Car has a stop right in front of the hotel and you can take this for $4 to a stop which is only 0.64km from the Conference Venue.
1900 East Speedway Boulevard
Tucson, Arizona 85719 USA
+1 520-908-6800
Located 2km from Conference Venue
Historic Hotel in the heart of downtown Tucson
311 East Congress Street
Tucson, AZ 85701 USA
+1 520-622-8848
Located 2km from Conference Venue; however, the Tucson Street Car has a stop one block from the hotel and you can take this for $4 to a stop which is only 0.64km from the Conference Venue.
Questions about the Conference? Email Conference Manager, Alaina G. Levine:
© 2010-2019, PHONONICS Conference
Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.