Social Program and Excursion (Tour)
Social Program - Banquet (4 June 2019):
We invite you to celebrate and experience the desert Southwest and the very best of western and Mexican-influenced culture at the Conference Banquet on the evening of 4 June 2019. You can Register and pay for your Banquet Ticket when you Register for the Conference.
The banquet will take place at the UA Student Union Memorial Ballroom, where you will be experience the Wild West with unique, food, drinks, dessert, music, and entertainment. More information to come! Ya-hoo!
Excursion (Tour) (5 June 2019):
NOTE: deadline to regsiter for this tour is 10 May 2019.
We are excited to provide an exciting option for a social excursion for our Conference Attendees and their Guests. This Excursion will take place the morning of 5 June 2019, and you will be able to register and pay for this Excursion when you Register for the Conference. Lunch is included, and Transportation is provided. Our Excursion option is:
- Arizona Sonora Desert Museum (Transportation and lunch provided):
The Desert Museum is ranked on as one of the Top 10 Museums in the country and the #1 Tucson attraction. Unlike most museums, about 85% of the experience is outdoors!
The 98 acre Desert Museum is a fusion experience: zoo, botanical garden, art gallery, natural history museum, and aquarium. It includes:
- 21 interpreted acres with two miles of walking paths through various desert habitats
- 230 animal species
- 1,200 types of plants — 56,000 individual specimens
- One of the world's most comprehensive regional mineral collections
Questions about the Conference? Email Conference Manager, Alaina G. Levine:
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Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.