Travel Fellowships for Early-Career Researchers
**NOTE: Deadline for Travel Fellowships has been extended to 15 April 2019.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to offer a limited number of partial travel fellowships for graduate students and aspiring graduate students.
Announcement 1:
Partial Travel Fellowships, with support from the US NSF:
In order to reach out to the broadest number of graduate student participants, Phononics 2019 has received a grant from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) to provide partial financial support to graduate students and/or aspiring graduate students from under-represented groups interested in research topics pertaining to the conference. This support will cover registration fees and travel including airfare, mileage and accommodations up to $1,300 per student. Participation in the Phononics 2019 Conference will allow you to attend the technical sessions, the career planning workshops, and to find opportunities to network.
1. Applicants must currently be a graduate or an undergraduate student.
2. Applicants must be a member of a group traditionally underrepresented in STEM: African Americans, American Indians including Native Alaskans, Hispanics, Native Pacific Islanders, women, or first-generation university students.
3. Applicants must be from a US institution.
How to apply:
Submit the following items as one pdf file in one email by 15 April 2019, to the following email address:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. A short essay (no more than 500 words) explaining why you are interested in phononics, what societal problems in and with phononics you would like to solve, and why you want to attend Phononics 2019.
3. Letter of reference from faculty member at student’s institution supporting the applicant’s motivation and interest in phononics and related topics.
4. An estimate of travel expenses.
The applications will be evaluated by a selection committee.
Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision in April 2019.
Deadline: 15 April 2019, 11:59pm MT
Submit application to:
Questions only (no submissions here):
Announcement 2:
Partial Travel Fellowships, with support from the US Office of Naval Research:
In order to reach out to the broadest number of early career participants, Phononics 2019 has received a grant from the US Office of Naval Research to provide partial financial support to postdocs and early career faculty members interested in research topics pertaining to the conference. This support will cover registration fees and travel including airfare, mileage and accommodations up to $1,000 per person. Participation in the Phononics 2019 Conference will allow you to attend the technical sessions, the career planning workshops, and to find opportunities to network.
1. Applicants must currently be a postdoc or an early-career faculty member.
2. Applicants must be from a US institution.
How to apply:
Submit the following items as one pdf file in one email by 15 April 2019, to the following email address:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. A short essay (no more than 500 words) explaining why you are interested in attending and participating in Phononics 2019.
3. An estimate of travel expenses.
The applications will be evaluated by a selection committee.
Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision in April 2019.
Deadline: 15 April 2019, 11:59pm MT
Submit application to:
Questions only (no submissions here):
Need more information? Contact Conference Manager Alaina G. Levine at
Questions about the Conference? Email Conference Manager, Alaina G. Levine:
© 2010-2019, PHONONICS Conference
Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.