First Call for Papers

PHONONICS 2015 logo ~ First call for papers ~
May, 31 ‐ June 5, 2015
Campus des Cordeliers

The study of phonons — a core discipline in conventional condensed matter physics — is currently being viewed in a new light. With a focus on both elucidation and manipulation of phonons across multiple scales, the emerging field of phononics has been vigorously gathering pace in recent years. Phononics 2011 was launched in Sante Fe, USA, as a prime international conference for the field to take place on a biannual basis. After a second edition in Sharm-El- Sheikh, Egypt, Phononics 2015, the third in the series, welcomes scientists and engineers from across disciplines and from across the world in the capital city of Paris.

Conference Themes
Phononic crystals
Acoustic metamaterials
Wave propagation in periodic structures
Nano-scale phonon transport and thermal metamaterials
Optomechanics and phonon coupling
Conference Chairs
Bahram Djafari-Rouhani,
Université Lille 1 & CNRS - Lille
Bernard Bonello,
CNRS & Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris
Abdelkrim Khelif,
CNRS & Univ. de Franche-Comté - Besançon
Lille 1 Univ. UPMC CNRS Franche-Comté Univ.
International Organizing Committee
Che Ting Chan, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.
Pierre Deymier, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA)
Ihab El-Kady, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (USA)
Mahmoud Hussein, University of Colorado Boulder (USA)
Baowen Li, National Univ. of Singapore/Tongji University (China)
José Sánchez-Dehesa, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
Tsung-Tsong Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Local Organizing Committee
Laurent Belliard, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris
Sarah Benchabane, CNRS - Besançon
Olga Boyko, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris
Vincent Laude, CNRS - Besançon
Yan Pennec, Université de Lille 1 - Lille
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© 2010-2015, PHONONICS Conference

Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.