Phononics 2015: 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling: Announcements <p>You are cordially invited to <strong>PHONONICS 2015: 3<sup>rd</sup> International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling</strong> be held in the capital city of Paris, France from May 31th to June 5th, 2015. PHONONICS 2015 is the third conference dedicated to analysis and manipulation of phonons (vibrations in solids).</p><p>The conference venue is the <a href=",+Universit%C3%A9+Paris+Descartes,+75006+Paris/@48.8505961,2.3406066,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47e671dc303aea0f:0xdf0a2a42a0192fa4" target="_blank">Campus des Cordeliers</a> (on Google Maps) - located 21 rue de l'école de Médecine, in the 6th district of Paris (alternative link on <a href="'%C3%89cole+de+M%C3%A9decine%2C+Universit%C3%A9+Paris+Descartes%2C+75006+Paris/N151.12061,6.11309,2.3404,48.85124/Z3/" target="_blank">Mappy</a>). GPS coordinates: 48.850794, 2.340542 (48°51'02.9"N 2°20'25.9"E).</p> <div><ul><li>To view the website of Phononics 2011, please click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</li></ul><ul><li>To view the website of Phononics 2013, please click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</li></ul><br /><hr /><p><img src="" alt="" width="23" height="17" /> <em>French version/version française</em></p><div>Vous êtes cordialement invités à PHONONICS 2015: 3ième Conférence Internationale sur les Cristaux/Métamatériaux Phononiques, le Transport et les Couplages par Phonons qui se tiendra à Paris, du 31 mai 31 au 5 juin 2015. PHONONICS 2015 est la troisième conférence dédiée à l'analyse et à la manipulation des phonons (vibrations dans les solides).<em><br /></em></div></div> en-US Wed, 27 May 2015 12:03:54 -0400 OCS 60 Registration opens Sunday 31 May, 4 PM - 7 PM <p>The registration desk will be opened <strong>Sunday 31 May from 4 PM to 7 PM</strong>.</p><p>All attendees are welcome at the conference venue: <strong>21 rue de l'école de Médecine</strong>, in the 6th district of <strong>Paris</strong>.</p><p>The registration desk will open Monday June First at 8 AM.</p> Wed, 27 May 2015 12:03:54 -0400 Technical program of Phononics 2015 The technical program of Phononics 2015 has just been unveiled. See the <a title="Detailed program page" href="/conf/index.php/phononics/2015/pages/view/detailed-technical-program" target="_self">Detailed program page</a>. Mon, 04 May 2015 09:43:55 -0400 Poster Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:03:45 -0400 Phononics 2019 Call for Proposals The Members of the Board of the International Phononics Society would like to announce that it is now accepting proposals for the hosting of Phononics 2019 to be held during the first week of June in 2019 in North or South America.<br />Information on the proposal requirements, the venue selection process and other items are available in the <a href="" target="_blank">linked document</a>. We encourage you to read it and consider responding by sending us your proposal by the deadline of April 27, 2015. We also encourage you to forward this Call to colleagues who might be interested. Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:52:50 -0400 2015 Phononics Young Investigator Award: Call for Nominations <p class="western">The <em>Phononics Young Investigator Award</em> has just been announced! Please see the <a href="" target="_blank">linked document</a> for details, and please note that the deadline for accepting nominations is April 20, 2015.</p> Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:50:41 -0400 2015 Brillouin Medal: Call for Letters The nomination process for this year’s Brillouin Medal has just been released! Please see the <a href="" target="_blank">linked document </a>for details. We encourage you to read it and consider responding by sending us your Letter by the deadline of April 13, 2015. We also encourage you to forward this Call to colleagues who might be interested.<div></div> Mon, 16 Mar 2015 11:46:46 -0400 Submission website is open! <p>All notifications for acceptance of presentations at Phononics 2015 have been sent on Friday 26 February. Registration and payment of registration fees are now open. Please see page <a href="/conf/index.php/phononics/2015/pages/view/registration" target="_blank">Registration</a></p><p>If you need an invitation letter, please write us using the <a href="/conf/index.php/phononics/2015/about/contact" target="_blank">Contact</a> form. Information regarding visas and travel can be found <a href="/conf/index.php/phononics/2015/pages/view/travel" target="_blank">Here</a>.</p> Sun, 01 Mar 2015 09:10:23 -0500 Notification of acceptance Thu, 19 Feb 2015 08:08:49 -0500 EPS and The Journal of Material Chemistry C to sponsor the Best Student awards! Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:19:36 -0500 First Call for Papers <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><img src="" border="0" alt="PHONONICS 2015 logo" hspace="20px" align="left" /></td> <td><strong>~ First call for papers ~</strong><br /> 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHONONIC CRYSTALS/METAMATERIALS, PHONON TRANSPORT &amp; PHONON COUPLING<br /> PARIS, FRANCE <br /> May, 31 ‐ June 5, 2015<br /> <strong>Campus des Cordeliers</strong><br /> <a type="text/html" href=""></a></td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr align="center"><td><p>The study of phonons — a core discipline in conventional condensed matter physics — is currently being viewed in a new light. With a focus on both elucidation and manipulation of phonons across multiple scales, the emerging field of phononics has been vigorously gathering pace in recent years. Phononics 2011 was launched in Sante Fe, USA, as a prime international conference for the field to take place on a biannual basis. After a second edition in Sharm-El- Sheikh, Egypt, Phononics 2015, the third in the series, welcomes scientists and engineers from across disciplines and from across the world in the capital city of Paris.</p></td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr align="center"><td>Conference Themes</td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr align="center"><td><strong>Phononic crystals</strong><br /> <strong>Acoustic metamaterials</strong><br /> <strong>Wave propagation in periodic structures</strong></td> <td><strong>Nano-scale phonon transport and thermal metamaterials</strong><br /> <strong>Optomechanics and phonon coupling</strong><br /> <strong>Nanophononics</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr align="center"><td width="341px"></td> <td width="341px">Conference Chairs</td> <td width="341px"></td></tr> <tr><td width="341px" valign="top"><strong>Bahram Djafari-Rouhani</strong>,<br /> Université Lille 1 &amp; CNRS - Lille</td> <td width="341px" valign="top"><strong>Bernard Bonello</strong>,<br /> CNRS &amp; Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris</td> <td width="341px" valign="top"><strong>Abdelkrim Khelif</strong>,<br /> CNRS &amp; Univ. de Franche-Comté - Besançon</td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><img src="" border="0" alt="Lille 1 Univ." width="145px" height="50px" align="left" /></td> <td><img src="" border="0" alt="UPMC" width="143px" height="50px" align="left" /></td> <td><img src="" border="0" alt="CNRS" width="50px" height="50px" align="left" /></td> <td><img src="" border="0" alt="Franche-Comté Univ." width="90px" height="50px" align="left" /></td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">International Organizing Committee<br /> Che Ting Chan, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.<br /> Pierre Deymier, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA)<br /> Ihab El-Kady, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico (USA)<br /> Mahmoud Hussein, University of Colorado Boulder (USA)<br /> Baowen Li, National Univ. of Singapore/Tongji University (China)<br /> José Sánchez-Dehesa, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)<br /> Tsung-Tsong Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)</td> <td valign="top">Local Organizing Committee<br /> Laurent Belliard, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris<br /> Sarah Benchabane, CNRS - Besançon<br /> Olga Boyko, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris<br /> Vincent Laude, CNRS - Besançon<br /> Yan Pennec, Université de Lille 1 - Lille</td></tr></tbody></table> <table cellspacing="4pt" width="1024px" align="center"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">Please redistribute this Call For Papers! Load the <a href="">flyer in pdf format</a> for print &amp; display.</td></tr></tbody></table> Sun, 14 Sep 2014 07:18:30 -0400 Phononics comes to Paris in 2015 Researchers in the field of phononics are welcome to attend Phononics 2015, to be held in Paris from May 31 to June 5, 2015. The conference venue is the beautiful <em>Campus des Cordeliers</em> in the Latin Quarter. Thu, 07 Nov 2013 08:55:11 -0500