
Conference Rates

Early Bird Registration

Full rate : 630€ (closed April 13, 2015)
Student rate : 330€ (closed April 13, 2015)

Regular Registration

Full rate : 720€ (closed June 1, 2015)
Student rate : 420€ (closed June 1, 2015)

Accompanying: 225€

Important dates can be found in the Conference Timeline.

Registration instructions

To protect your privacy, registration and payment are handled through a secure website operated by CNRS. Its interface can be a little confusing to foreign users, so that we recommend you read the next few lines to know what to expect.

You should first pre-register using the following link:


You will NOT receive immediately a confirmation e-mail as your pre-registration needs to be validated manually. Once this is done, you will receive a link to perform the final registration step. You will then be able to choose your payment method: credit card or “transfer” (i.e., bon de commande). Note that "transfer" is for attendees affiliated with French institutions only. If you select the “transfer” option, a pré-bon de commande will be e-mailed to you, to be processed by your laboratory’s administrator.

Important points:

  • Please always use the same e-mail address all along the registration process.
  • The whole registration process must be completed before April 13 (CET, Central European Time) to take advantage of the early bird rate. After that date the regular registration rate will apply.
  • Registration will be complete only when registration fees have been paid.

Should you encounter any problem, please contact us at


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Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.