The study of phonons–a core discipline in conventional condensed matter physics–continues to grow with momentum and fresh new perspectives. With a focus on both the understanding and control of phonons across multiple scales, “phononics” has emerged as a new field that is impacting a variety of traditional disciplines including mechanics, acoustics, heat transfer, and others. In 2011, Phononics 2011 was launched in New Mexico, USA, as the prime international conference for the field to take place on a biannual basis. After continuing success at Phononics 2013 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, and Phononics 2015 in Paris, France, Phononics 2017–the fourth in the series–welcomes scientists and engineers from across disciplines, and from across the world, in the historical city of Changsha, China.
The conference scientific focus will be on six main themes underlying the various research tracks in the emerging field of phononics:
(1) Phononic crystals
(2) Phononic metamaterials
(3) Wave propagation in periodic structures
(4) Nanoscale thermal transport
(5) Phonon coupling and optomechanics
(6) Phononic topological insulators
The technical program also includes student paper competitions for best oral and poster presentations.
© 2010-2017, PHONONICS Conference
Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.