Conference Rates
Early Bird Registration
Full rate : 660 USD (closed April 20, 2016)
Student rate : 330 USD (closed April 20, 2016)
Regular Registration or on-site registration
Full rate : 750 USD
Student rate : 420 USD
Accompanying: 200 USD
Important dates can be found in the Conference Timeline.
提前注册:4500人民币; 学生(2200人民币)
现场注册:5100人民币; 学生(3000人民币)
Registration Instructions
To protect your privacy, registration and payment are handled through a secure website operated by PayEase*. The payment link is as follows:
During registration, you will first be asked to input your name, affiliation, user name that you created on the conference website and your email. Please note that you will receive your confirmation of transfer by email to the address you provide and one email address can only be used to make one payment.
The whole registration process must be completed before 5th May (UTC +8:00 Time) to take advantage of the early bird rate. After that date the regular registration rate will apply.
Should you encounter any problem, please contact us at
*PayEase is the leading payment service in China, their privacy statement can be found here:
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Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.