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Copyright Notice

Contents of this web site are protected by U.S. and international intellectual property laws. Please feel free to use the PHONONICS 2015 Conference logos as well as written materials, photos and graphics published by the conference organizers on this web site to further promote the conference. You may not copy, redistribute, reproduce, publish, or sell any information obtained from this web site without a written permission for any other purpose. The Conference requires copyright transfer consent forms from authors of accepted works, thus acquiring all copyright for those works. For use of materials which are the intellectual property of third parties (e.g. sponsor logos) please contact their respective copyright owners.

Privacy Statement


Personal data

The data provided in registration forms is only used for matters related with the site's scope. The participant's name and his contact address may be published by the Conference organizers as part of this web site or as part of other official Conference materials. All other data such as user preferences or payment details are considered private. No private data item will be shared with entities unrelated with the service supplied by this site. E-mail addresses will never be published in a form that could allow automatic web spiders to easily retrieve them for spamming.

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We may use session-based or persistent cookies and IP tracking to improve your access and ease of use of our website, for offering personalized content and for collecting of statistical data. The non-personal information retrieved by use of our cookies is not linked to your personal information. Cookies do not damage your system or files in any way.

For security reasons, use of password protected areas may be monitored.


All best endeavors will be made to present the Conference program as printed in the Final Program Announcement. However, the Conference reserves the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, any of the arrangements, timetables or plans relating directly or indirectly to the conference or exhibition, for any cause beyond their reasonable control. The Conference and its organizing committees are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of such alterations. Participants are advised to take out their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions. The Conference does not cover individuals against cancellations or thefts of belongings.

In the event that the Conference is cancelled by the organizers, except for any reason outside the control of organizers, the registration shall be refunded in full. The liability of the organizers shall be limited to that refund and the organizers shall not be liable for any loss, cost of expense, howsoever caused, incurred or arising.

The organizers will hold and process your personal details in our database. This information is necessary for legitimate management of this conference, which may include it being available to any organizing/sponsoring company. We may also use these details to provide you with information of other conferences or events. Please advise us should any of your details change. You may remove your details from our database by advising us in writing, at any time.

© 2010-2015, PHONONICS Conference

Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.