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Chen, Ali, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing Jiaotong University
Chen, Yan-Ting


chong, alvin y.b., the open university


Chong, Alvin, Department of Design, Development, Environment and Materials. The Open University
Christensen, Johan, Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Cole, Garrett David, Vienna Center for Quantun Science and Technology
CROENNE, Charles, IEMN, ISEN Departement
Cuffe, John, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology (ICN-CSIC)
Cummer, Steven, Duke University


Danworaphong, Sorasak
Daraio, Chiara, California Institute of Technology
Daraio, Chiara
Davids, Paul
Davis, Bruce L, University of Colorado Boulder
Davis, Bruce L., University of Coloado at Boulder


de Matos Neves, Miguel, IDMEC-IST


Deleglise, S
Deymier, Pierre A, University of Arizona
Deymier, Pierre, University of Arizona
Djafari Rouhani, Bahram
Djafari Rouhani, Bahram, IEMN, University of Lille (France)
Djafari-Rouhani, Bahram, IEMN
Dubus, Bertrand, IEMN, ISEN department


Eftekhar, Ali A
Eftekhar, Ali Asghar, Georgia Institute of Technology

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