Technical Tracks

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Submissions are reviewed by an assigned Track Director or a member of the organizing committees with expertise in the topic. Authors are informed of review results. A second review might be obtained for a rejected submission at the discretion of the Conference co-Chairs.

Track: Phononic Crystals

This track accepts submissions on phononic crystals. Extended abstracts are expected to concentrate on and advance phononic crystal physics and engineering at a theoretical and/or experimental level. However, contributions primarily concentrated on experimental advances and fabrication should be submitted to the "Fabrication for phononics" track.

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Track: Phononic Metamaterals

This track accepts submissions on the emerging field of phononic (or acoustic) metamaterials. Extended abstracts are expected to concentrate on and advance phononic metamaterial physics and engineering at a theoretical and/or experimental level. However, articles primarily concentrated on experimental approaches and fabrication should be submitted to the "Fabrication for phononics" track.

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Track: Nanoscale Phonon Transport

This track contains submissions on nanoscale phonon (thermal) transport phenomena including modeling, simulation and experimental studies.

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Track: Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures

This track contains miscellaneous discussion on wave propagation in periodic structures in general, including periodic media theory, and is intended to cover all phenomena not covered by the other tracks. Theoretical or experimental studies on elastic or acoustic wave propagation in macroscale periodic structures are particularly welcome.

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Track: Phononic MEMS and RF Applications

This track accepts submissions on phononics MEMS and radio frequency (RF) phononics. The track is intended to cover studies on all types of devices including phononic crystals, phononic metamaterials, FBARs, microdisk resonators and others. Contributions primarily concentrated on experimental advances and fabrication should be submitted to the "Fabrication for phononics" track.

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Track: Optomechanics

This track accepts submissions on the emerging field of optomechanics, that is the study of coupled opto-mechanical systems with emphasis on the role of phononics.

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Track: Fabrication and Characterization for Phononics

This track accepts submissions on experimental advances, fabrication and characterization for phononic devices of all types.

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Catenoid/Helicoid logo courtesy of Paul Nylander.