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Beugnot, Jean-Charles, FEMTO-ST
Bilal, Osama R
Bilal, Osama R (United States)
Blair, Michael Wayne, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Boechler, Nicholas
Bogart, Gregory R., Sandia National Labs
Bonello, Bernard, Paris University - CNRS
Bou-Matar, Olivier, IEMN
Boyko, Olga, Paris University
Bracht, H.
Brenn, André, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Bringuier, Stefan, University of Arizona
BUI, Cong Tinh
Bui, Tinh Quoc


Cai, Liang-Wu, Kansas State University
Camacho, Ryan, Sandia National Laboratories
Camacho, Ryan, Sandia National Labs
Camacho, Ryan
Candelas, Pilar, Centro de Tecnologías Físicas, Unidad Asociada ICMM-CSIC/UPV
Carmon, Tal
Chan, Che Ting, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Chang, Won Seok, Korea Institute of Machninery and Materials
Chapuis, Pierre-Olivier, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology


chavez, emigdio, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology


Chávez, Emigdio, Dept. of Physics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology CIN2(ICN-CSIC), Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

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