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Tomoda, Motonobu
Tornga, Stephanie C, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Torrent, Daniel, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
TOURNAT, Vincent, LAUM, CNRS, Université du Maine


Ullah, S. M.


umnova, olga, university of salford


Umnova, Olga, School of Computing, Science & Engineering The University of Salford,
Uris, Antonio, Centro de Tecnologías Físicas, Unidad Asociada ICMM-CSIC/UPV


Vasseur, Jérôme, IEMN
Vasseur, Jerome Olivier
Vasseur, Jerome O, Institut d'electronique Microelectronique et Nanotechnologie
Vasseur, Jerome O, Institut d'Electronique, de Micro-electronique et de Nanotechnologie
Velo, Ani, University of San Diego
Veres, István A.
Verhagen, E
Vogelsang, A.


Wang, Gang, Institute of Mechatronical Engineering, National University of Defense Technology
Wang, Yue-Sheng, Beijing Jiaotong University
Wang, Yuesheng, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing Jiaotong University
Wang, Yuren
Wang, Zheng
Wehmeier, N.
Weis, S
Wen, Jihong, Key Laboratory of Photonic and Phononic Crystals of Ministry of Education, and Institute of Mechatronical Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, P.R. China
Wildman, Raymond, US Army Research Laboratory

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