Phononics 2013: 2nd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Optomechanics
June 2-7 2013, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Friday: June 7 Detailed Program Information
Announcements (Amaraua Conf. Hall) 7:45 am - 8:00 am
Track 5: Periodic Structures
Session: 17 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 8:00 am - 10:20 pm 
Session Chair:  A. Adibi
 Author: A. G. Every Category: Plenary Talk
Affiliation: University of the Witwatersrand
Paper #: 0058 Time: 8:00 am -8:30 am
Title: Guided Waves at Periodically-Structured Surfaces and Interfaces of Solids
Abstract: This paper examines the dynamics of 1D planar periodic structures in solids, with particular attention given to a periodic array of thin coplanar cavities in a solid, and surface gratings consisting of parallel metal strips mounted periodically on a solid surface and a supported solid layer.
 Author: A. Baz Category: Plenary Talk
Affiliation: University of Maryland
Paper #: 0151 Time: 8:30 am -9:00 am
Title: Bio-Inspired Active Acoustic Fluidic Cloak
Abstract: A class of bio-inspired fluidic Active Acoustic MetaMaterial (AAMM) is introduced. The AAMM consists of networks of pressurized channels manufactured to form a composite cloak that can render objects acoustically invisible.  The theory governing the operation of this class of cloaks is presented and applied to control the propagation of sound inside aircraft fuselages.
 Author: G. M. Hulbert Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: University of Michigan
Paper #: 0146 Time: 9:00 am -9:20 am
Title: Wave Propagation in Periodic Microstructured Composite Materials
Abstract: Novel composite materials have been developed at the University of Michigan that provide high stiffness and high damping. These materials are considered herein for their wave attenuation characteristics, while maintaining their high stiffness and high damping attributes. Several different designs are presented to illustrate the material applications for vibration and wave mitigation.
 Author: A. S. Phani Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: University of British Columbia
Paper #: 0120 Time: 9:20 am -9:40 am
Title: Bandgap Analysis in Generally Damped Periodic Struc-tures and Metamaterials using Receptance Coupling
Abstract: Frequency bandgap locations and their widths in the wave response of damped periodic structures and metamaterials are predicted using a receptance coupling technique. A re-ceptance-coupling analysis is developed to infer band edge frequencies from the standing wave frequencies of a symmetric unitcell. Both viscous and nonviscous damping models can be incorporated in the present formulation. Experimental results on a structural beam with pe-riodic resonators are presented.
 Author: J. S. Jensen Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark
Paper #: 0064 Time: 9:40 am -10:00 am
Title: Topology Optimization of Bandgap Materials for Loss Factor, Stiffness and Manufacturability
Abstract: We use topology optimization to design composites for high loss factor and high stiffness. Additionally, we address the issue of manufacturability using additive manufacturing. The optimization is done using an iterative gradient-based procedure based on the solution of complex k(w)-eigenvalue FE problems. The formulation facilitates the design of composites with a low-loss metallic material and a lossy elastic or acoustic medium.
 Author: A. Spadoni Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Paper #: 0084 Time: 10:00 am -10:20 am
Title: Wave Propagation in Cellular Solids
Abstract: Engineering wave dispersion is elastic media can be achieved by modulation of material properties or by embedding resonators.  Both strategies are challenging: in the first case large dimensions are needed to accommodate enough scattering sites (jumps in stiffness and mass), while in the second case manufacturing is a significant hurdle. Both designs lack broad-band effectiveness which is necessary for widespread employment of engineered media. Cellular solids are particularly promising media for design of wave-propagation characteristics in solids since they are two-phase materials with slender internal components. Such microstructure readily resonates for practical frequencies leading to resonant-scattering which is a key phenomenon in the design of metamaterials.  Such capabilities may be extended to 3D making cellular solids an attractive alternative to solid media manufactured with lithographic and 3D printing techniques.
Coffee Break (Amaraua Foyer) 10:20 am - 10:40 am 
Track 5: Periodic Structures
Session: 18 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 10:40 am - 1:00 pm 
Session Chair:  A. G. Every
 Author: M. V. Golub Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Kuban State University
Paper #: 0003 Time: 10:40 am -11:00 am
Title: Propagation of Harmonic Elastic Waves in Layered Phononic Crystals and Wave Diffraction by Damages
Abstract: The paper investigates the time-harmonic propagation of 2D plane waves in periodically multi-layered elastic composites with strip-like damages. At first band-gaps for non-damaged phononic crystals are analyzed. Then three kinds of damages are considered: single crack, periodic array of cracks and distributed delaminations. The total wave field in the damaged structure is written as a sum of the incident wave field described by the transfer matrix method and the scattered wave field represented as a Fourier integral convolution of the crack-opening-displacements and the Green's matrix of the multi-layered structure. The effects of the incidence angle, crack location and crack size are investigated. The paper focuses on resonance motion and localization phenomena in a stack of elastic layers weakened by a single strip-like crack. Typical situations are illustrated using energy streamlines. Wave localization and energy capturing by interior and interface cracks are compared.
 Author: S. Gonella Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: University of Minnesota
Paper #: 0101 Time: 11:00 am -11:20 am
Title: Spectro-Spatial Features as Detectors and Classifiers of Nonlinearity in Periodic Chains
Abstract: Wave propagation in monoatomic chains with quadratic nonlinearity is analyzed to determine spatial and spectral phononic characteristics. An inverse problem to determine the nonlinear coefficient is then obtained by using the spectro-spatial features of wave propaga-tion. The application of this inverse problem is demonstrated for a periodic system consisting of monoatomic spheres in contact.  Experimental characterization is also considered to demonstrate the applicability of this inverse problem.
 Author: A. Adibi Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology
Paper #: 0150 Time: 11:20 am -11:40 am
Title: Functional Metallic-Pillar-Based Planar Phononic Crystal Structures
Abstract: We present a new class of planar phononic crystal (PnC) structures based on a two-dimensional array of metallic pillars on a thin substrate and compare it with hole-based PnCs. We will further show the use of the unique properties of these PnC structures for the formation of fundamental devices like single-mode waveguides and resonators and their use in forming more functional PnC structures.
 Author: V. J. Sánchez-Morcillo Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Universitat Politècnica de València
Paper #: 0111 Time: 11:40 am -12:00 pm
Title: Enhancement of Sound in Chirped Sonic Crystals
Abstract: We report and experimentally demonstrate a mechanism of sound wave concentration based on soft reflections in chirped sonic crystals. The reported controlled field enhancement occurs at around particular (bright) planes in the crystal, and is related to a progressive slowing down of the sound wave as it propagates along the material. At these bright planes, a substantial concentration of the energy was obtained for a linear chirp profile and for frequencies around the first band gap.
 Author: M. Ouisse Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: FEMTO-ST Institute
Paper #: 0115 Time: 12:00 pm -12:20 pm
Title: Adaptive Metacomposites: Design Strategy and Experi-mental Validation
Abstract: Recent advances in modeling of multiphysics periodic systems allow designers to investigate new concepts for vibroacoustic absorption. In this work, we present a strategy to design adaptive metacomposites, namely host structures with periodic piezoelectric patches shunted with semi-passive electric circuits, together with experimental implementation.
 Author: J. M. Cooper Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: University of Glasgow
Paper #: 0108 Time: 12:20 pm -12:40 pm
Title: PhonoFluidics Phononic Tool-box for Microfluidic Circuits
Abstract: We present the design, fabrication and experimental validation of 2D phononic crystal lattices to control the propagation of acoustic energy within a plate, and its interaction with liquids on a microfluidic system. Controlled by the actuation frequency, this enables us to build a tool-box of fluidic functions for integrated molecular diagnostics.
 Author: P. A. Deymier Category: Org. Colloquium
Affiliation: University of Arizona
Paper #: 0130 Time: 12:40 pm -1:00 pm
Title: Non-linear Waves in Phononic Structures
Abstract: We examine the propagation of elastic waves in non-linear one-dimensional phononic structures. Multiple-time scale perturbation theory and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations combined with Spectral Energy Density (SED) calculations are used to study the effect of non-linearity on the band structure of the phononic structures.  We pay particular attention to frequency shift and line width of the modes.  These are discussed in terms of multi-phonon scattering processes.  Two mass-spring systems are studied and contrasted. The first one is a one-dimensional chain of point masses and non-linear springs with cubic non-linearity. The second system is composed of linear springs connecting spatially extended masses. In addition to translation degrees of freedom, this later systems includes rotational degrees of freedom.  The non-linear relation between the rotational degree of freedoms and the spring elongation leads to wave mixing and dissipation even though all springs are harmonic.
Lunch Break (Kahramana Resturant) 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm 
Track 5: Periodic Structures
Session: 19 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm 
Session Chair:  A. Baz
 Author: H. Khales Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées
Paper #: 0083 Time: 3:30 pm -3:45 pm
Title: Evidence of Complete Elastic Band Gap in Phononic Strip Waveguides
Abstract: We present theoretical work about the parametric effect of phononic strip made with inclusions on band gap formation. The influence of materials contrast and the geometrical forms on 1D phononic crystal is investigated. The geometric dimensions of the PC strip are in the same order of the system periodicity. We focus on the materials commonly used in micro-fabrication as W, Ni, Cu, and Al as inclusions material deposited on silicon substrate material.
 Author: C. C. Claeys Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Paper #: 0032 Time: 3:45 pm -4:00 pm
Title: Honeycomb Core with Local Resonance Stopband Behaviour
Abstract: Liu et al. demonstrated that inclusions of high density spheres with a rubber coating in a matrix material result in low frequency stop bands1. These locally resonant sonic materials require a high density of local resonators throughout the matrix material, either spread ran-domly or periodically. In this paper, resonating structures are introduced into the cavities of a honeycomb core, leading to a honeycomb structure with local resonant stop band behaviour. This opens up possibilities to create materials with excellent mechanical properties and strong structural attenuation in a low-frequency region.
 Author: M. Y. Wang Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Paper #: 0005 Time: 4:00 pm -4:15 pm
Title: Wide-Band Low Frequency Gaps in Periodic Flexural Beams With Nonlinear Local Resonators
Abstract: In this work we study flexural wave propagation in a periodic beam with nonlinear local resonators suspended along the span of the beam. We focus on the frequency band structure of flexural wave propagation, especially the effects of a hardening stiffness of the resonators. We use the harmonic balance method with the transfer matrix method and Bloch’s theorem to analyze the frequency band structure. Our results show that strong nonlinearity gives rise to a super-wide band-gap starting at a low frequency edge and extending to the first Bragg frequency with band-gap characteristics similar to Bragg scattering type.
 Author: F. Romeo Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Sapienza University of Rome
Paper #: 0096 Time: 4:15 pm -4:30 pm
Title: Localized Solutions against Wave Propagation Regions in Nonlinear Oscillatory Chains
Abstract: The nonlinear propagation regions of a chain of linearly coupled mechanical oscillators characterized by on site cubic nonlinearity are used to identify the re-gions of existence of localized solutions and to guide their analysis. Through a nonlinear map approach, the role played in the localization context by the propagation regions internal thresholds, governing temporary loss of stability, is also investigated.
 Author: A. Leonard Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: California Institute of Technology
Paper #: 0068 Time: 4:30 pm -4:45 pm
Title: Nonlinear Pulse Propagation through Ordered Granular Networks
Abstract: We present a study of the nonlinear pulse splitting, bending, and combining through ordered 2D and 3D granular networks. Experimental results are in good agreement with both numerical simulations and theoretical predictions in terms of the distribution of leading pulse amplitudes reaching branch ends for variable network sizes.
 Author: M. Ke Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Wuhan University
Paper #: 0011 Time: 4:45 pm -5:00 pm
Title: Asymmetric Transmission of Acoustic Waves by Grating Structures
Abstract: We demonstrated the asymmetric transmission of acoustic waves by an asymmetric steel grating structure. This physical essence of this phenomenon comes from the one-way dif-fraction effect determined by the different periods on the both surfaces of the structure. The asymmetric transmission has potential applications in ultrasonic devices.
 Author: R. Picó Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Universitat Politécnica de València
Paper #: 0102 Time: 5:00 pm -5:15 pm
Title: Axisymmetric Toroidal System for Beam Focalization
Abstract: Experimental evidences of focusing of acoustic waves with axisymmetric systems made of concentric toroidal rigid scatterers are reported in this work. The system behaves in the long wavelength regime as a refractive lens. Several other effects as beam forming, spatial filtering and frequency filtering are observed and discussed in this work. Due to the scalability of the problem, the design proposed in this work can be used in the range of ultrasound waves for medical and industrial applications.
 Author: H. Zhang Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: National University of Defense Technology
Paper #: 0074 Time: 5:15 pm -5:30 pm
Title: Band Gaps Control of Phononic Beam with Hybrid Shunt-ing Circuits
Abstract: Periodic arrays of hybrid-shunted piezoelectric patches are used to control the band gaps of phononic beam. In this article, active NC shunting circuits and passive resonant RL shunting circuits are connected to the same piezoelectric patch in parallel to control the location and the extent of the band gaps. A wider band gap will be achieved when the RL shunting band gap and the NC shunting band gap coupled with each other.
Adjourn 5:30 PM