2013: 2nd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon
Transport and Optomechanics |
June 2-7 2013, Sharm
El-Sheikh, Egypt |
Thursday: June 6 |
Detailed Program Information |
(Amaraua Foyer) |
7:30 am - 12:00 pm |
(Amaraua Conf. Hall) |
7:45 am - 8:00
am |
Track 4: Optomechanics and Coupled Phenomena |
Session: 11 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
8:00 am - 10:20 pm |
Session Chair: B.
Djafari-Rouhani |
Author: I. E. Psarobas |
Category: Plenary Talk |
Affiliation: University of Athens |
Paper #: 0122 |
Time: 8:00 am -8:30 am |
Title: Topology Arguments in Engineering 3D PhoXonic Systems |
Abstract: Concurrent control of both light
and sound through simultaneous photonic-phononic, often called phoxonic,
bandgap structures is intended to advance both our understanding as well as
our ability to manipulate light with sound and vise versa. Topology arguments
set the framework of engineering 3D dual functional phoxonic structures by
means of a dual multiple scattering method for classical waves. |
Author: B. Jusserand |
Category: Plenary Talk |
Affiliation: Institut des Nanosciences de
Paris |
Paper #: 0176 |
Time: 8:30 am -9:00 am |
Title: Confined Acoustical Phonons and Confined Photons in
Semiconductor Nanostructures: A Route Towards Very Large Acousto-optical
Interactions |
Abstract: Photon confinement in
microcavities is easily transferred to acoustic phonons. We describe here
several achievements based on the combination of acoustic and photonic
confinement in GaAs/AlAs multilayers and demonstrate high finesse optical
cavities as a very promising device with typical optomechanical couplings two
order of magnitudes larger than in available systems. |
Author: D. Navarro-Urrios |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: Catalan Institute of
Nanotechnology |
Paper #: 0163 |
Time: 9:00 am -9:20 am |
Title: Optomechanics in Corrugated Beams with Parabolic Defects |
Abstract: We report on the optical,
mechanical and optomechanical properties of a Silicon based 1D corrugated
beam, excited by means of a microlooped tapered optical fiber. The high optical quality factor of the
localized photonic modes (Qopt=20000-35000) supported by the structure has
allowed the transduction of the thermally activated mechanical motion of the
structures. We have observed localized mechanical modes at frequencies up to
7.25 GHz and relatively high mechanical quality factors (Qmec=4700). |
Author: M. Farhat |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology |
Paper #: 0038 |
Time: 9:20 am -9:40 am |
Title: Graphene Acousto-optical Plate for Coupling Sound and Light at
THz Frequencies |
Abstract: We propose a novel device that
exploits extra-ordinary properties of graphene to couple elastic vibration to
light. The bending biharmonic wave that could be excited on a very thin sheet
of graphene forms a quasi-grating that interacts with incident light and
permits the excitation of surface plasmons polaritons. Many applications such
as sensing and bio-detection could be envisaged. |
Author: N. Kiesel |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: University of Vienna |
Paper #: 0136 |
Time: 9:40 am -10:00 am |
Title: Towards High-Q Cavity-optomechanics with Levitated Nanospheres |
Abstract: Nanoparticles, optically trapped
in ultra-high vacuum and dispersively coupled to a high-finesse Fabry-Perot
cavity, have recently been proposed as a new light-mechanics interface. This
interface promises, amongst others, to operate optomechanical quantum
information protocols in a room-temperature environment and to build novel
ultrasensitive force sensors. We present first experiments in this direction. |
Author: N. Piro |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: École Polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne |
Paper #: 0183 |
Time: 10:00 am -10:20 am |
Title: Quantum-Coherent Coupling of a Mechanical Oscillator to an
Optical Cavity Mode |
Abstract: We demonstrate an optomechanical
microresonator in which optical and mechanical degrees of freedom exchange
energy at a rate exceeding the relevant decoherence rates in the system,
enabling quantum control of a mechanical oscillator with light. |
Coffee Break
(Amaraua Foyer) |
10:20 am - 10:40
am |
Track 13: Optomechanics and Coupled Phenomena |
Session: 12 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
10:40 am - 1:00 pm |
Session Chair: I. E.
Psarobas |
Author: R. M. Camacho |
Invited Oral |
Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories |
Paper #: 0140 |
Time: 10:40 am -11:00 am |
Title: Disorder in Optomechanical Systems |
Abstract: In this talk, I will describe
recent investigations into the effects of disorder in optomechanical
systems. In particular, I will discuss
disorder induced opto-mechanical coupling in photononic/phononic crystal structures,
group velocity effects, and connections to Anderson localization. |
Author: S. Ludwig |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität |
Paper #: 0009 |
Time: 11:00 am -11:20 am |
Title: The Quantum Dot Single-Phonon Detector |
Abstract: Recent developments make the idea
of electronic-phononic hybrid quantum circuits an interesting prospect. One
of the main challenges is the realization of nanoscale single-phonon
detectors. We demonstrate single-phonon detection in laterally defined coupled
quantum dots in semiconductor quantum circuits. |
Author: P. V. Santos |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: Paul-Drude-Insitut für
Festkörperelektronik |
Paper #: 0004 |
Time: 11:20 am -11:40 am |
Title: Exciton Control and Transport by Acoustic Fields |
Abstract: Surface phonons in the form of
surface acoustic waves are used to store and transport excitons over
millimeter distances in GaAs quantum well structures. By combining SAW beams
along different crystallographic directions it becomes possible to realize novel
electro-optic functionalities based on exciton transport such as the routing
of photonic signals. |
Author: S. Benchabane |
Category: Invited Oral |
Affiliation: Université de Franche-Comté |
Paper #: 0089 |
Time: 11:40 am -12:00 pm |
Title: Surface Elastic Wave Confinement in Defect-based and
Mass-loaded Phononic Waveguides |
Abstract: Ways to achieve efficient
three-dimensional surface acoustic wave guidance and confinement have already
been reported in the phononic crystal literature. In this talk, we will
discuss two possible means of reaching this objective by using either 2D
Bragg-type phononic crystals or by exploiting the mass-loading effect in 1D
periodical structure. |
Author: B. Djafari-Rouhani |
Category: Org. Colloquium |
Affiliation: Le Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique |
Paper #: 0050 |
Time: 12:00 pm -12:20 pm |
Title: Optomechanical Interactions in Phoxonic Cavities |
Abstract: Phoxonic crystals can exhibit
dual phononic/photonic band gaps. Therefore, the confinement of both acoustic
and optical waves in a phoxonic cavity can allow the enhancement of their
interaction. In this paper, we discuss our recent theoretical works on the
strength of the optomechanic coupling, based on both photoelastic and moving
boundaries effects, in differ-ent cavities in various (2D, slabs, strips)
phoxonic crystals. |
Author: I. El-Kady |
Category: Org. Colloquium |
Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories |
Paper #: 0178 |
Time: 12:20 pm -12:40 pm |
Title: On-Chip Quantum Phonodynamics, the Sound-Based Analogue of
Quantum Electrodynamics: Realization of a “Phoniton” |
Abstract: Phonons, due to their unique
nonlinear properties, enable new opportunities for quantum devices and
physics. We propose a phonon-based, solid-state analogue of the
cavity-polariton QED system. Despite having never been practically realized,
qubits based on this half-sound half-matter quasi-particle, or the so called
“phoniton”, have been predicted to outcompete quantum dot-based qubits and
approach circuit QED performance in the MHz frequencies. In this talk we
discuss our attempts at the first realization of a “phoniton”. |
Conference Photograph |
12:40 pm - 1:00pm |
Lunch Break
(Kahramana Resturant) |
1:00 pm - 3:30
pm |
Brillouin Lecture |
Session: 13 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm |
Session Chair: M. I. Hussein |
Author(s): P. Sheng, C. T. Chan, Z. Yang |
Category: Award
Lecture |
Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Paper #: Brillouin-Paper |
Time: 3:30 pm -4:15 pm |
Title: Acoustic Metamaterials |
Abstract: We
present the basic concept of acoustic metamaterials and their initial
realization in the form of locally resonant sonic materials. The development of acoustic metamaterials
has led to the realization of many acoustic and elastic functionalities
previously thought to be not possible, such as acoustic cloaking and the
attenuation of sound in the 100 to 1000 Hz range by using thin membranes. |
Track 3: Optomechanics and Coupled Phenomena |
Session: 14 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
4:15 pm - 6:30 pm |
Session Chair: S. Ludwig |
Author: R. Braive |
Contributed Oral |
Affiliation: Le Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique |
Paper #: 0018 |
Time: 4:15 pm -4:30 pm |
Title: Optomechanics with Photonic Crystals Slab Mirrors and Cavities |
Abstract: We investigate optomechanical effects in photonic crystal slab
membranes. For slabs embedding a photonic crystal cavity, two families of
mechanical modes are identified: drum modes and vibrations localized within
the cavity core. For slabs acting as an end mirror in a Fabry-Perot cavity,
cold-damping techniques allowed to cool the fundamental drum mode by a factor
of two from 300 K. |
Author: S. El-jallal |
Contributed Oral |
Affiliation: Le Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique |
Paper #: 0076 |
Time: 4:30 pm -4:45 pm |
Title: Acousto-optic Interactions in 2D Silicon and Gallium Arsenide
PhoXonic Cavities |
Abstract: We study the acousto-optic
interactions in 2D Si and GaAs phoXonic crystal cavities. We take into
account both the moving boundaries and photoelastic effects. The coupling is
obtained by calculating the modulation of each optical cavity mode by each
acoustic cavity mode. The photoelastic contribution is discussed in view of
the strong variations of the photoelastic coefficients near the band gap. |
Author: M. Ismail |
Contributed Oral |
Affiliation: University of Glasgow |
Paper #: 0180 |
Time: 4:45 pm -5:00 pm |
Title: Waves Confinement in Piezoelectric Phononic Cavity |
Abstract: The existence of complete band gap has been demonstrated
theoretically using Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) method in a two-dimensional
triangular lattice piezoelectric phononic crystal consists of cylindrical
tungsten pillars deposited over lithium niobate (LiNbO3) slab. Several
complete band gaps have been observed for different dimensions of the slab
and pillars. It is shown that LiNbO3 stubbed with the tungsten pillars create
dual complete band gaps with relative bandwidth of 31.5 % and 26.6 %. The confinement
of the waves within a single defect of this piezoelectric phononic crystal
structure has also been theoretically demonstrated. |
Session: 15 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm |
Session Chair: I. El-Kady
/ M. I. Hussein |
Phononics 2015/2017 Announcement |
5:00 pm - 5:15pm |
Poster Session (Amaraua Foyer) |
Session: 16 (Amaraua Conference
Hall) |
5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Session Chair: C. Reinke |
Author: M. Y. Wang |
Category: Poster #1 |
Affiliation: Dept. of Mechanical &
Automation Eng., The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Paper #: 2 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Band Gaps in Periodic Flexural Beams With Multi-DOF/Continuum
Local Resonators |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: Y. Y. Kim |
Category: Poster
#2 |
Affiliation: WCU Multiscale Mechanical
Design Devision, Seoul National University |
Paper #: 0006 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Phononic Crystal Tailoring for Single-Mode Ultrasonic Wave
Excitation |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: M. V. Golub |
Category: Poster
#3 |
Affiliation: Wave Propagation, Reflection
and Filtering in Functionally Graded Phononic Crystals |
Paper #: 0010 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Wave Propagation, Reflection and Filtering in Functionally
Graded Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: M. H. Ben Ghozlen |
Category: Poster
#4 |
Affiliation: Materials Physics Laboratory,
Faculty of Sciences, Sfax university |
Paper #: 0015 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Combination of PWE and Stiffness Matrix Methods to Study
Transmission Properties and Guided Modes in Two Dimensional Phononic Plates |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: I. Robert-Philip |
Category: Poster
#5 |
Affiliation: Laboratoire de Photonique et
Nanostructures LPN-CNRS |
Paper #: 0019 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Non-linear Mechanical Response of Photonic Crystal Slabs |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: J. O. Vasseur |
Category: Poster
#6 |
Affiliation: Institut d’Electronique, de
Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie |
Paper #: 0022 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: The layer-multiple-scattering Method as Applied to
Two-dimensional Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: Y.-F. Wang |
Category: Poster
#7 |
Affiliation: Institute of Engineering
Mechanics, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing |
Paper #: 0023 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Complex Band Structures of Two-Dimensional Viscoelastic
Phononic Crystals Obtained by Using Finite Element Method |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: T.-X. Ma |
Category: Poster
#8 |
Affiliation: Institute of Engineering
Mechanics, Beijing Jiaotong University |
Paper #: 0024 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Engineering Dual Phononic and Photonic Bandgaps of a
Two-dimensional Phoxonic Crystal with Veins |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: A. A. Kutsenko |
Category: Poster
#9 |
Affiliation: Universite de Bordeaux, Institut de
Mecanique et d'Ingenierie de Bordeaux |
Paper #: 0033 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Discrete Periodic Lattice with Defects |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: P. Méresse |
Category: Poster
#10 |
Affiliation: DCNS Research, Le Mourillon
Rond point de l’Artillerie de la Marine |
Paper #: 0043 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Propagation Number in Periodic Structures Including Losses |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: J. Gomis-Bresco |
Category: Poster
#11 |
Affiliation: Catalan Institute of
Nanotechnology |
Paper #: 0056 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: 1D Phononic Corrugated Cavities in Si Nanobeams: Design of the
Confined Modes in a Full Band gap |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: I. Boiragi |
Category: Poster
#12 |
Affiliation: Photonics Department, Society
for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research |
Paper #: 0065 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Development of Photoacoustic Gas Cell for Trace Gas
Measurement by IR Laser Absorption Technique |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: B. Figeys |
Category: Poster
#13 |
Affiliation: IMEC and KU Leuven, TELEMIC |
Paper #: 0082 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Process Tolerant Design of a BAW Resonator via Acoustic
Metamaterial Engineering |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: A. Cebrecos |
Category: Poster
#14 |
Affiliation: Instituto de investigación
para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, Universitat de Valéncia |
Paper #: 0091 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Collimation of Ultrasound Beams behind 3D Sonic Crystal |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: B. Bonello |
Category: Poster
#15 |
Affiliation: Institut des NanoSciences de
Paris (INSP-UMR CNRS 7588) Université Pierre et Marie Curie |
Paper #: 0095 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Scattering of Lamb Waves by Isolated Hole or Pillar: Towards
an Acoustic Metamaterial |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: P. Anzel |
Category: Poster
#16 |
Affiliation: Division of Engineering and
Applied Science, California Institute of Technology |
Paper #: 0097 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Development of a Nonlinear Acoustic Phased Array and its
Interaction with Thin Plates |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: R. Picó |
Category: Poster
#17 |
Affiliation: Instituto de investigaciónpara
la Gestión Integrada de zonas Costeras, Universitat de València |
Paper #: 0104 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: AntiBandgaps in Acoustic Periodic Loss Media |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: P. H. Otsuka |
Category: Poster
#18 |
Affiliation: Division of Applied Physics,
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University |
Paper #: 0105 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: k-Space Imaging of Phonon Propagation in Phononic Crystal
Waveguides |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: S. Degraeve |
Category: Poster
#19 |
Affiliation: IEMN, Institut d’Electronique,
de Microelectronique et de Nanotechnologies |
Paper #: 0110 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Tunable One-Dimensional Piezoelectric Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: Y. Pennec |
Category: Poster
#20 |
Affiliation: IEMN, UMR CNRS 8520,
Université de Lille |
Paper #: 0113 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Wide Surface Acoustic Wave Bandgaps for Conical Pillars on a
Piezoelectric Substrate |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: V. Romero-García |
Category: Poster
#21 |
Affiliation: Instituto de Investigación
para la Gestión Integrada de zonas Costeras, Universitat de València |
Paper #: 0152 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Tunable Acoustic Waveguides in Sonic Crystals Made of
Square-Rod Scatterers: Experiments and Theory |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: A. Mehany |
Category: Poster
#22 |
Affiliation: XXXXX |
Paper #: |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: XXX |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Author: R. Khajehtourian |
Category: Poster
#23 |
Affiliation: Department of Aerospace
Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder |
Paper #: 0175 |
Time: 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm |
Title: Nonlinear Locally Resonant Metamaterials: Modeling and
Dispersion Characteristics |
Abstract: XXXXX |
Adjourn |
7:15 PM |
Conference Banquet (Bedouin Night) |
7:30 PM |