Phononics 2013: 2nd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Optomechanics
June 2-7 2013, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Tuesday: June 4 Detailed Program Information
Registration (Amaraua Foyer) 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Announcements (Amaraua Conf. Hall) 7:45 am - 8:00 am
Track 2: Phononic Metamaterials
Session: 4 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 8:00 am - 10:20 pm 
Session Chair:  J. Sánchez-Dehesa
 Author: P. Sheng Category: Plenary Talk
Affiliation: Department of Physics and William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology
Paper #: 0127 Time: 8:00 am -8:30 am
Title: Dark Acoustic Metamaterials
Abstract: The absorption coefficient for low frequency sound is generally small. Hence their attenuation usually requires bulky and/or soft materials.  In this talk I show that by using designed acoustic metamaterials comprising thin rubber membranes decorated with metallic platelets, we can achieve not only total reflection, but also very high absorption of the low frequency sound.  These effects are made possible, in certain tunable frequency regimes, by the negative dynamic mass of the system and the high concentration of curvature energy density (by several orders of magnitude) at the perimeters of the decorated platelets
 Author: N. X. Fang Category: Plenary Talk
Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paper #: 0153 Time: 8:30 am -9:00 am
Title: Bending the Flow of Sound and Elastic Waves in Acoustic Metamaterials
Abstract: In this plenary talk, we will present our progress in bending and folding acoustic waves in a flexible acoustic circuitry. Motivated by our recent success in cloaking and beam shaping using coordinate transformation in acoustics, we will discuss its application to an array of acoustic devices and systems that are physically implementable without complex fabrication methods. We will also discuss the potential of MHz acoustic metamaterials.
 Author: G. K. Hu Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Beijing Institute of Technology
Paper #: 0106 Time: 9:00 am -9:20 am
Title: Negative-mass Metamaterials and Superlensing Effect
Abstract: Acoustic metamaterials with negative effective mass below a cut-off frequency are analyzed in both mass-spring and continuum material models. Based on the proposed metamaterial model, acoustic superlens is designed to create images beyond the diffraction limit. There are two different mechanisms by which evanescent fields can be maintained. One mechanism is based on the zero effective mass, and the other is based on the resonant tunneling. The imaging performance of the proposed lens is validated by both numerical and experimental methods.
 Author: Y.-F. Chen Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Nanjing University
Paper #: 0169 Time: 9:20 am -9:40 am
Title: Acoustic Metamaterials and Their Abnormal Effects
Abstract: Acoustic wave exhibits inherently different nature when propagating in sonic band-gap materials. We demonstrated effects of negative refractions of acoustic wave in two dimen-sional sonic crystals constructed with steel rods embedded in air. Analogous to enhanced opti-cal wave transmission through decorated tiny hole on metal thin, enhanced acoustic wave transmission through narrow slit much smaller than wavelength has been established as well. With deliberately making use of directional bandgap of sonic crystals, we showed a type of acoustic diode by asymmetric sonic crystal, which makes use of the wave momentum jumping from band gap to pass band. Some others progress on the resonators based phononic crystals will also be reported.
 Author: J. Christensen Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark
Paper #: 0001 Time: 9:40 am -10:00 am
Title: Tunable Acoustic Metadevices
Abstract: We demonstrate both by analytical and numerical simulations that structured rigid screens filled with elastic inclusions can be described in the long wavelength limit as an effective medium characterized by a mass density of the plasmon form. This type of metamaterial is thus not only used to control surface waves but also to create them. The combination of this behavior together with gap materials hosting bulk modulus resonances, produces negative dis-persion with simultaneous negative values of ρeff and 1/κeff, which is a characteristic of nega-tive refractive index materials.
 Author: H.-H. Huang Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: National Taiwan University
Paper #: 0008 Time: 10:00 am -10:20 am
Title: Transmission of Bianisotropic Elastic Metamaterials
Abstract: The dynamics characteristics of elastic metamaterials are investigated. Of particular interests are the bi-anisotropic material properties and their implications. Reflection and transmission of the harmonic waves are determined using the effective continuum model. In addition, interesting transient wave motion is presented through numerical simulations based on simplified mass-spring model.
Coffee Break (Amaraua Foyer) 10:20 am - 10:40 am 
Track 2: Phononic Metamaterials
Session: 5 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 10:40 am - 1:00 pm 
Session Chair:  P. Sheng
 Author: Y. Xiao Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: National University of Defense Technology
Paper #: 0168 Time: 10:40 am -11:00 am
Title: Wave Propagation in Locally Resonant Phononic Plates
Abstract: We study the wave attenuation behavior (inside band gaps) and wave beaming effects (within pass bands) of a locally resonant phononic plate made of a 2D periodic array of local resonators attached to a thin homogeneous plate. The wave attenuation behavior is char-acterized by the imaginary parts of Bloch wavenumbers, while the wave beaming effects are revealed by the iso-frequency contours of dispersion surfaces.
 Author: G. L. Huang Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Paper #: 0099 Time: 11:00 am -11:20 am
Title: Vibroacoustic Modeling and Analysis of Acoustic Metamaterials with Multiple Resonators
Abstract: In this study, an analytical structural-acoustic model of the membrane-type acoustic metamaterial with multiple resonators is developed to consider the both translational and rotational motions of the resonators. The local deformation of the membrane is obtained through the point matching approach. The transmission loss and sound absorption are then described with different parameters of the resonators.
 Author: G. Lerosey Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: ESPCI ParisTech and CNRS
Paper #: 0161 Time: 11:20 am -11:40 am
Title: Steering Waves at the Deep Subwavelength Scale in Locally Resonant Metamaterials
Abstract: Using a microscopic approach we show that the dispersive properties of some metamaterials based on resonant unit cells are solely governed by interferences and not by near field interactions. This allows us to modify locally those metamaterials in order to create point or line defects, with which we can confine and guide waves on scales much smaller than the wavelength. We give examples in the audible acoustic range as in the microwave domain.
 Author: Y. Y. Kim Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Seoul National University
Paper #: 0160 Time: 11:40 am -12:00 pm
Title: Experimental Techniques for Ultrasonic Metamaterials with Guided Waves
Abstract: This work presents magnetostrictive transducer-based experimental methods suitable for the investigation of intriguing phenomena of ultrasonic elastic waves. We will present the critical advantages of the proposed experimental technique and show interesting experimental results for elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals.
 Author: I.-K. Oh Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Paper #: 0054 Time: 12:00 pm -12:20 pm
Title: Vibro-Acoustic Waveguide with Tunable Bandgap
Abstract: We represent that tunable bandgap on the propagation of acoustic waves can be achieved by using a vibro-acoustic waveguide consists of a series of unit metamaterial cells with shunted piezoelectric structure. Each of unit cells is composed of a shunt circuit and an embedded single crystal PMN-PT structure (SCPPS) which is used as sensing-actuator.
 Author: C. T. Chan Category: Org. Colloquium
Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Paper #: 0135 Time: 12:20 pm -12:40 pm
Title: Dirac Cone Dispersion and Its Implications in Phononics
Abstract: Dirac cone like dispersions at k=0 can be obtained in classical wave systems using accidental degeneracy. We will examine the consequences of such a dispersion in two-dimensional (2D) acoustic and elastic wave crystals and we will attempt to extend the concept to 3D.
 Author: J. Sánchez-Dehesa Category: Org. Colloquium
Affiliation: Universitat Politècnica de València
Paper #: 0137 Time: 12:40 pm -1:00 pm
Title: Advances in Acoustic Cloaking and Metamaterials with Negative Paramaters
Abstract: Acoustic cloaks based on the scattering cancellation of the scattered waves by the object are designed, fabricated and experimentally demonstrated for two and three dimensional objects. In particular, an axisymmetric 3D cloak for sphere is fabricated by a 3D printer. In addition, acoustic metamaterials or metafluids with negative acoustic parameters will be reported. These structures consist of cylindrical cavities drilled in two-dimensional waveguides where the effective parameters can be tailored by changing the parameters of the cavities.
Lunch Break (Kahramana Resturant) 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm 
Track 2: Phononic Metamaterials
Session: 6 (Amaraua Conference Hall) 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm 
Session Chair:  C. T. Chan
 Author: Y. Lai Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Soochow University
Paper #: 0144 Time: 3:30 pm -3:50 pm
Title: Coherent Perfect Absorbers: From Optics to Acoustics
Abstract: We extend the concept of coherent perfect absorbers (CPAs) from optics to acoustics, which provides us a new way to absorb sound very efficiently. It is possible to achieve acoustic CPAs by tuning both mass density and modulus of phononic metamaterials.
 Author: Y. A. Urzhumov Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Duke University
Paper #: 0049 Time: 3:50 pm -4:10 pm
Title: Structurally Rigid Elastic Binary Composites for Acoustic Imaging Countermeasures
Abstract: We explore the possibilities coming from transformation acoustics and beyond for creating rigid elastic composite shells capable of suppressing the total scattering cross-section of acoustically large objects. The reported design methodology is based on generalized shape and topology optimization, and the outcomes are suitable for rapid prototyping techniques.
 Author: W. Akl Category: Invited Oral
Affiliation: Ain Shams University
Paper #: 0164 Time: 4:10 pm -4:30 pm
Title: Acoustic Metamaterial with Programmable Bulk Modulus for Sector Acoustic Cavities
Abstract: A new class of composite shell-type acoustic metamaterials with tunable effective bulk modulus which can be tailored to have controllable variation along the material volume in curvilinear coordinates is developed using a piezoelectric sector element coupled with an acoustic sector cavity to form a homogenized periodically-structured sector-shaped acoustic metamaterial.
 Author: O. R. Bilal Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: University of Colorado Boulder
Paper #: 0173 Time: 4:30 pm -4:45 pm
Title: Trampoline Metamaterials: Local Resonance Enhancement by Springboards
Abstract: We investigate the dispersion characteristics of locally resonant metamaterials formed from the erection of pillars on the solid regions in a plate patterned by a periodic array of holes. We show that these solid regions effectively act as springboards leading to an enhanced resonance behavior by the pillars when compared to the nominal case of pillars with no holes. As such, we refer to this band gap enhancement phenomenon as the trampoline effect.
 Author: M. J. Frazier Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: University of Colorado Boulder
Paper #: 0174 Time: 4:45 pm -5:00 pm
Title: Metadamping: An Emergent Phenomenon in Dissipative Metamaterials
Abstract: Using a generalized form of Bloch’s theorem, we compare two statically equivalent, viscously damped periodic materials – one with local resonators and the other without. We find that with the same level of prescribed damping, the locally resonant metamaterial exhibits higher dissipation throughout the spectrum. This outcome indicates a damping emergence phenomena which we refer to as metadamping.
 Author: L. Bonanomi Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: ETH Zurich
Paper #: 0093 Time: 5:00 pm -5:15 pm
Title: Locally Resonant Granular Crystal
Abstract: We study the acoustic response of locally resonant granular crystals, consisting of one-dimensional arrays of hollow spherical particles containing local resonators.  The funda-mental unit cell of these periodic systems (i.e., a Mass-in-Mass unit, "MinM") is made of an aluminum outer spherical shell and a steel inner mass connected by a polymeric plastic struc-ture. We characterized the linear spectra of the individual particles and of one-dimensional ar-rays of particles using numerical simulations and experiments. We measure the existence of a band gap due to the presence of local resonances.
 Author: M. Oudich Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: UMR CNRS
Paper #: 0087 Time: 5:15 pm -5:30 pm
Title: Acoustic Metamaterial Plate with Negative Effective Mass Density
Abstract: A phononic metamaterial plate with low frequency resonators is investigated as an effective dispersive medium for acoustic waves. A numerical based effective medium model is used to calculate the plate’s effective dynamic mass density as function of the frequency. Strong anisotropy of the mass density matrix is observed around the resonance frequencies where the gaps are opened.
 Author: M. Farooqui Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Ain Shams University
Paper #: 0116 Time: 5:30 pm -5:45 pm
Title: Sound Attenuation in Ducts using Locally Resonant Periodic Flush Mounted Flexible Silicon Patches
Abstract: Transmission properties of a Phononic crystal composed of patches of silicon aerogel is studied analytically and numerically in this paper. With the help of mathematical models the difference between the Bragg scattering and the locally resonant mechanism was demonstrated. It is also shown that the periodicity of these local resonators also plays role in determining the width of the acoustic band gap.
 Author: M. Zubtsov Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Otto von Guericke University
Paper #: 0061 Time: 5:45 pm -6:00 pm
Title: On the Nature of Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission through Sub-Wavelength Holes Array.
Abstract: We present experimental and computational evidences for the existence of structural vibrations in periodic solid-liquid composite that combine vibrations in solid with vibrations in neighboring liquid volumes whose dynamics define anomalous response function determining extraordinary acoustic transmission.
 Author: B. Figeys Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: IMEC
Paper #: 0071 Time: 6:00 pm -6:15 pm
Title: Shear Interface Acoustic Wave in Solids Enabled by Acoustic Metamaterials
Abstract: We present for the first time developments supporting the existence of shear waves propagating at the interface between two solids with shear moduli of opposite signs, condition made possible using metamaterials. We indicate the analogy between this wave and surface plasmon polaritons and present the acoustic analog of metal-insulator-metal and insulator-metal-insulator electromagnetic waveguides.
 Author: L. M. Garcia-Raffi Category: Contributed Oral
Affiliation: Universitat Politècnica de València
Paper #: 0070 Time: 6:15 pm -6:30 pm
Title: Acoustic Fractal Conical Lens Based on Sonic Crystals
Abstract: This work reports the numerical analysis of an axial symmetric sonic crystal which external shape is based on the Cantor fractal set. In the long wavelength regime the system has an ef-fective refraction index controlled by the filling fraction, so the fractal external shape can control the phases of the transmitted waves. We show here the possibility of multifocal acous-tic lenses as it has been previously observed in optics.
Adjourn 6:30 PM