Phononics 2011: International Conference on Phononic Crystals,
Metamaterials and Optomechanics |
May 29-June 2 2011,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA |
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at the bottom for navigation) |
Thursday: June 2 |
Detailed Program Information |
(Chamisa) |
7:30 am - 12:00 pm |
(Mesa BR) |
8:15 am - 8:30
am |
Track 6: Fabrication and Characterization for Phononics |
Session: 14 ( Ortez Ballroom) |
8:30 am - 10:15 am |
Session Chair: F.
McCormick |
Author: G. Bogart |
Category: Plenary Talk |
Paper #: 0075 |
Time: 8:30 am -9:00 am |
Title: Larger Scale Fabrication of Nanometer to Micron Sized Periodic
Structures in 2D and 3D: Approaches and Trends |
Abstract: Fabrication of periodic
structures for photonic or phononic wavelength interaction and manipulation
at the small scale (<100um x 100 um) in planar dimensions using a variety
of materials and techniques has been documented in the literature. Often structures
are conceived and built with only a single device needing to be made. Some
applications require that structures be fabricated in three dimensions or
with multiple layers placing additional constraints on the fabricator. |
Author: G. Piazza |
Category: Keynote Talk |
Paper #: 0105 |
Time: 9:00 am -9:25 am |
Title: Microfabricated GHz Phononic Band Gap Structures |
Abstract: This paper reports the latest
development on the synthesis of phononic band gaps (PBG) in AlN/Air and
SiC/Air structures operating in the GHz range by means of inverted
cylindrical geometries or fractal-based designs. Finite element methods used
to design and confirm the PBG dispersion curve and amplitude-frequency
response are also presented. |
Author: D. Schneider |
Category: Keynote Talk |
Paper #: 0131 |
Time: 9:25 am -9:50 am |
Title: High Frequency Soft Phononics |
Abstract: Propagation of hypersonic
elastic/acoustic waves in polymer- and colloid-based nanostructures emerges
as a powerful characterization tool of thermo- mechanical properties and
reveals new structure related collective phenomena .Particle vibration
spectroscopy and engineering of the phonon dispersion band diagram are
highlighted in this presentation. |
Author: Z. C. Leseman |
Category: Org. Colloquium |
Paper #: 0125 |
Time: 9:50 am -10:15 am |
Title: Fabrication of 2-D Phononic Crystals via Focused Ion Beam |
Abstract: A technique for the fabrication
of 2-D Phononic Crystals (PnCs) is described that utilizes a focused ion beam
(FIB) instrument. In particular, the details of the microfabrication
procedure are discussed which creates the main structure from which the PnC
is created. Following the microfabrication is the nanoFIBrication of the
microstructure to create a PnC with nanoscale features. Results will be
presented for the fabrication of a 33 GHz PnC. |
Coffee Break
(Chamisa) |
10:15 am - 10:40
am |
Track 7: Phononic MEMS and RF Applications |
Session: 15 (Ortez Ballroom) |
10:40 am - 12:25 pm |
Session Chair: A. Khelif |
Author: A. Adibi |
Plenary Talk |
Paper #: 0179 |
Time: 10:40 am -11:10 am |
Title: A Waveguide-based Phononic Crystal Micro/Nano-mechanical
High-Q Resonator |
Abstract: In this paper, we report the
design, analysis, fabrication, and characterization of a very high frequency
(VHF) phononic crystal (PnC) micro/nano mechanical resonator architecture
based on silicon (Si) PnC slab waveguides. The PnC structure completely surrounds
the resonant area and the resonator is excited by a thin aluminum
nitride-based piezoelectric transducer stack directly fabricated on top of
the resonator. This architecture highly suppresses the support loss of the
resonator to the surroundings while providing mechanical support and
electrical signal delivery to the resonator. |
Author: Y. Pennec |
Keynote Talk |
Paper #: 0054 |
Time: 11:10 am -11:35 am |
Title: Band Gaps and Defect Modes in Phononic Strip Waveguides |
Abstract: We study the elastic wave
propagation in different geometries of strip waveguides obtained by
extracting a row out of a phononic crystal slab made up of a square array of
air holes in a silicon plate. We show that the existence of band gaps is
strongly dependent on the cutting direction. We also study the existence of
localized modes in cavities inserted inside the perfect strip waveguides. |
Author: J. Vasseur |
Category: Keynote Talk |
Paper #: 0053 |
Time: 11:35 am -12:00 pm |
Title: Tunable magnetoelastic phononic crystals |
Abstract: The feasibility of contactless
tunability of the band structure of two dimensional phononic crystals is
demonstrated by employing magnetostrictive materials and applying an external
magnetic field. The influence of the amplitude and of the orientation with
respect to the inclusion axis of the applied magnetic field are studied in
details. Applications to tunable selective frequency filters are discussed. |
Author: I. E. Psarobas |
Category: Keynote Talk |
Paper #: 0070 |
Time: 12:00 pm -12:25 pm |
Title: Multi-phonon Processes in PhoXonic Cavities |
Abstract: Long lifetime photons and
phonons, confined in the same region of space, inside a phoXonic cavity, can
interface with each other via strong nonlinear acousto-optic interactions. We
unveil physics of distinct importance as the hypersonic modulation of light
is substantially enhanced through multi-phonon exchange mechanisms. |
Author: R. H. Olsson |
Category: Org. Colloquium |
Paper #: 0122 |
Time: 12:25 pm -12:50 pm |
Title: Micromachined Phononic Band-Gap Crystals and Devices |
Abstract: Micromachined phononic crystals
are an emerging technology with applications in radio frequency
communications, sensors and thermal energy harvesting. This paper presents
work at Sandia National Laboratories in the realization of micromachined
phononic crystal devices across a broad frequency range and in a number of
material systems. |
Lunch Break
(Chamisa) |
12:50 pm - 2:00
pm |
Parallel Sessions |
Track 1 & 4: Phononic Crystals & Phonon Transport |
Session: 17
(Ortez Ballroom A) |
2:00 pm - 3:30
pm |
Session Chair: A. Adibi |
Author: S. Alaie |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0152 |
Time: 2:00 pm -2:15 pm |
Title: On the Validity of 2D Numerical Simulation of Bandgap for Slab
of Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: This work suggests a criterion
for verification of Phononic bandpaps simulated by two dimensional
elastodynamic models. The bandgap of a phononic crystals (PnCs) was studied
using both 2D and 3D finite element analyses. Comparing the numerical results
with experiment, this study indicates that validity of 2D models depends on
the ratio of the thickness to the excitation wavelength. |
Author: R. A. Wildman |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0147 |
Time: 2:15 pm -2:30 pm |
Title: Multi-Objective Optimization of Phononic Bandgap Materials for
Wide Band, Low Frequency Operation |
Abstract: Phononic bandgap materials are
optimized for maximization of bandgap size and minimization of center
frequency using a genetic programming method for inclusion shape design and
material choice. Maximizing the bandgap size allows for a material design that
can block a wide range of frequencies. Minimizing the center frequency will
give designs that are small compared to the effective wavelength. |
Author: M. V. Golub |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0072 |
Time: 2:30 pm -2:45 pm |
Title: Propagation and Transmission of Elastic SH-Waves in
Functionally Graded Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: The boundary value problem of
elastic SH-wave propagation in one-dimensional phononic crystals composed of
functionally graded interlayers arisen from the solid diffusion of
homogeneous isotropic material of the crystal is considered. The localization
phenomena, transmission and band gaps due to the material gradation are
investigated. |
Author: F. Scarpa |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0022 |
Time: 2:45 pm -3:00 pm |
Title: Band-gap Acoustic States in 1D and 2D Single Layer Graphene
Sheet Systems |
Abstract: We evaluate the pass-stop band
characteristics of mechanical wave propagating in periodic nanostructures
made with nanoribbons or graphene sheets with non-reconstructed defects.. |
Author: R. J. Magyar |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0046 |
Time: 3:00 pm -3:15 pm |
Title: Divide and Conquer Quantum Mechanical Methods for Phononic
Applications |
Abstract: Density functional theory is a
highly efficient computational framework that describes structural properties
of materials such as phonon frequencies and densities of states. In this
talk, we suggest how the divide and conquer scheme may be well suited to
determine phononic response in materials with supermolecular scale features. |
Author: M. W. Blair |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0145 |
Time: 3:15 pm -3:30 pm |
Title: Improved Lattice-Bath Phonon Relaxation in Nanoscale Oxides |
Abstract: Electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR) spectroscopy has been used to study energy transport properties of bulk
and nanophosphor oxyorthosilicate samples. The bulk samples displayed a
slight phonon bottleneck while energy relaxation in the nanophosphor samples
was not influenced by the lattice-bath relaxation time and was more rapid. |
Coffee Break
(Chamisa) |
3:30 pm - 3:55
pm |
Track 4: Phonon Transport |
Session: 18
(Ortez Ballroom A) |
3:55 pm - 4:40
pm |
Session Chair: Z. C.
Leseman |
Author: P.-O. Chapuis |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0049 |
Time: 3:55 pm -4:10 pm |
Title: Heat dissipation in silicon and quartz nanoridges |
Abstract: We have investigated
experimentally the effect of confinement of thermal acoustic phonons in 100
nm large ridges of silicon and quartz. We quantify the deviation to Fourier
and ballistic predictions as a function of two characteristic numbers, the
constriction Knudsen number describing the transmission of the phonons and a
dimensionless number based on the nanoridges volume/surface ratio. |
Author: F. Alzina |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0094 |
Time: 4:10 pm -4:25 pm |
Title: Dispersion of Confined Acoustic Phonons in Ultra-Thin Si
Membranes |
Abstract: The dispersion curves of confined
acoustic phonons in ~10 and ~30 nm Si membranes were measured using Brillouin
Light Scattering (BLS) spectroscopy. The dispersion relations of the confined
phonons were calculated from a semi-analytical model based on continuum
elasticity theory. Green’s function simulations were used to simulate the
Brillouin spectra. |
Author: M. Prunnila |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0103 |
Time: 4:25 pm -4:40 pm |
Title: Acoustic Phonon Transmission and Heat Conduction Through
Vacuum |
Abstract: We describe theoretically how
acoustic phonons can directly transmit energy and conduct heat between bodies
that are separated by a vacuum gap. This effect is enabled by introducing a
coupling mechanism, such as piezoelectricity, that strongly couples electric
field and lattice deformation. |
Track 2: Periodic Structures |
Session: 19
(Ortez Ballroom B) |
2:00 pm - 3:30
pm |
Session Chair: R. H.
Olsson III |
Author: A. Leonard |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0030 |
Time: 2:00 pm -2:15 pm |
Title: Tailoring Stress Waves in 2-D Highly Nonlinear Granular
Crystals: Simulations and Experiments |
Abstract: We study the propagation of
elastic stress waves in two-dimensional highly nonlinear granular crystals
composed of square packings of spheres with and without cylindrical
intruders, via experiments and numerical simulations. By varying the intruder
material, we show the ability to alter the propagating wave front
characteristics. Experiments agree well with discrete particle simulations. |
Author: G. Theocharis |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0079 |
Time: 2:15 pm -2:30 pm |
Title: Control of Vibrational Energy in Nonlinear Granular Crystals |
Abstract: We describe recent work on
nonlinear granular crystals. We explore phenomena related to vibrational
energy localization, re-distribution, and rectification enabled by the
spatial discreteness, disorder, and nonlinearity of granular crystals. In
addition, we note how an understanding of dynamic phenomena in granular
crystals can enable the design of novel engineering devices. |
Author: V. J. Sánchez-Morcillo |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0098 |
Time: 2:30 pm -2:45 pm |
Title: Second harmonics, instabilities and hole solitons in 1D
phononic granular chains |
Abstract: The propagation of nonlinear
compressional waves in a 1D compressed granular chain driven at one end by a
harmonic excitation is theoretically studied. The chain is described by a FPU
lattice model with quadratic nonlinearity. We predict and describe different
nonlinear phenomena, as the generation of second harmonics, modulational
instabilities and the existence of hole (or dark) solitons. |
Author: G. Wang |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0067 |
Time: 2:45 pm -3:00 pm |
Title: Broadband Vibration Attenuation Induced by Periodic Arrays of
Feedback Shunted Piezoelectric Patches on Beams |
Abstract: The effect of periodic arrays of
feedback shunted piezoelectric patches in vibration attenuation of flexible
beams is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Broadband vibration
attenuations are observed no mater in or out of the band gaps. The proposed
concept is validated experimentally on a suspended epoxy beam. |
Author: Y. Xiao |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0148 |
Time: 3:00 pm -3:15 pm |
Title: Longitudinal Vibration Band Gaps in Rods with Periodically
Attached Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Vibration Absorbers |
Abstract: Band gap behavior in rods with
periodically mounted multi-degree-of-freedom resonators (vibration absorbers)
is concerned. Explicit expressions are derived for the calculation of complex
band structures. The effects of absorber parameters on the band gap
properties are studied. The band gap formation mechanisms of the system are
explained by analytical models with explicit formulations. |
Author: S. Chen |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0031 |
Time: 3:15 pm -3:30 pm |
Title: Active Control of Band Gaps by Periodically Distributed
Piezo-shunts |
Abstract: Periodic arrays of inductive or
negative capacitive shunted piezoelectric patches are employed to control the
band gaps of phononic beams. An epoxy beam with periodically surface- bonded
piezoelectric patches is designed. The band gaps, when each piezo-patch is
connected to a single inductive or negative capacitive circuit, are
investigated in detail. |
Coffee Break
(Chamisa) |
3:30 pm - 3:55
pm |
Track 6: Fabrication and Characterization for Phononics |
Session: 20
(Ortez Ballroom B) |
3:55 pm - 4:40
pm |
Session Chair: M. F. Su |
Author: T. J. Isotalo |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0143 |
Time: 3:55 pm -4:10 pm |
Title: Techniques for Self-Assembled Phononic Crystals |
Abstract: In this project, we study the
assembly of periodic arrays of nanospheres and their crystalline properties.
The vertical deposition technique is investigated along with the effects of
substrate surface modifications for improvement of order and directed self-assembly.
Dipping speed and PS sphere concentration are taken as the primary parameters
affecting crystalline quality. |
Author: D. F. Goettler |
Category: Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0151 |
Time: 4:10 pm -4:25 pm |
Title: The Effect of Phononic Crystal Lattice Type and Lattice
Spacing on the Reduction of Bulk Thermal Conductivity in Silicon and Silicon
Nitride |
Abstract: Phononic crystals are a promising
method of reducing a material’s bulk thermal conductivity. Changing a
phononic crystal’s lattice type or its lattice spacing are two ways of
reducing a material’s thermal conductivity. Results of different lattice
types and lattice spacings on the reduction of bulk thermal conductivity in
silicon and silicon nitride at room temperature will be presented. |
Author: D. Lanzillotti-Kimura |
Contrib. Oral |
Paper #: 0158 |
Time: 4:25 pm -4:40 pm |
Title: Nanophononics using Acoustic and Optical Cavities |
Abstract: We report pump-probe time
experiments in acoustic and optical cavities. We demonstrate that the
generated coherent acoustic phonon spectra can be inhibited or enhanced in
the cavity. Simulations highlight the
role of the phonon density of states in the coherent phonon generation,
extending concepts at the base of the Purcell effect to the field of
phononics. |
Adjourn |
4:40 PM |