Phononics 2011: International Conference on Phononic Crystals, Metamaterials and Optomechanics
May 29-June 2 2011, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
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Monday: May 30 Detailed Program Information
Registration (Promenade) 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Oppening Ceremony (Mesa BR) 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Track 1: Phononic Crystals
Session: 1 (Mesa Ballroom) 8:30 am - 10:20 am 
Session Chair:  T. T. Wu
 Author: J.H. Page  Category: Plenary Talk
Paper #: 0109 Time: 8:30 am -9:00 am
Title: Ultrasonic Wave Transport in Phononic Crystals
Abstract: Ultrasonic experiments on phononic crystals provide a powerful method for investigating the profound effects of periodic structure on wave propagation. We summarize recent progress that has been achieved by combining experiments with multiple scattering theory and FDTD calculations to study bandgap, negative refraction and focusing phenomena.
 Author: M. Sigalas  Category: Plenary Talk
Paper #: 0061 Time: 9:00 am -9:30 am
Title: Phononic Crystal Sensors
Abstract: Numerical studies of phononic crystals for sensors applications are presented. The sensitivities of the structures on their parameters are studied. Particular attention was given in structures that can be probed with both electromagnetic and elastic waves.
 Author: B. Bonello Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0024 Time: 9:30 am -9:55 am
Title: Phononic Crystals to Control the Propagation of Elastic Waves: Recent Advances
Abstract: In this paper, we briefly review the recent advances made worldwide to control the propagation of elastic waves using phononic crystals (PCs). We show how new effects, including the opening of band gaps in silicon PC plates and the negative refraction of elastic waves, could be at the origin of new Micro ElectroMechanical Systems compatible with CMOS processes.
 Author: B. Djafari-Rouhani  Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0059 Time: 9:55 am -10:20 am
Title: Engineering of the Band gaps and transmissions in Phononic and phoxonic Crystal Slabs and Waveguides
Abstract: We report on our theoretical works about the engineering of band structures in phononic as well as dual phononic-photonic slabs and strips waveguides. Besides the conventional structure made of a periodic array of holes in a plate, we discuss the more recent geometry of pillars on a membrane or on a substrate. We discuss the best phoxonic structures displaying dual phononic-photonic band gaps and slow modes.
Coffee Break (Promenade) 10:20 am - 10:45 am 
Track 1: Phononic Crystals
Session: 2 (Mesa Ballroom) 10:45 am - 12:25 pm 
Session Chair:  J. H. Page
 Author: V. Laude Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0087 Time: 10:45 am -11:10 am
Title: Evanescent Bloch Waves in Phononic Crystals: Complex Band Structure, Losses, and Guidance
Abstract: The complex band structure of evanescent Bloch waves in phononic crystals is elucidated by formulating an eigenvalue problem for the wavevector versus the frequency. It is used to explore the effects of material losses and the phononic crystal guidance mechanism. The method, originally formulated for plane waves, is extended to finite element models.
 Author: C. Hladky-Hennion Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0056 Time: 11:10 am -11:35 am
Title: Negative refraction of elastic waves in 2D phononic crystals
Abstract: Negative refraction of elastic waves is evidenced in a two-dimensional phononic crystal (PC), made of a triangular lattice of steel rods embedded in epoxy. Experiments are carried out on a prism shaped PC inserted inside an epoxy block. The influence of different parameters is discussed in terms of image reconstruction.
 Author: T. T. Wu Category: Org. Colloquium
Paper #: 0127 Time: 11:35 am -12:00 pm
Title: Focusing and Waveguiding of Lamb Waves in Phononic Plates
Abstract: In this talk, focusing of Lamb waves using the GRIN PC will be introduced first, and then followed by a concept demonstration of utilizing the focusing feature to compress Lamb waves into a phononic plate waveguide. Results of the study showed that beam width of the lowest anti-symmetric Lamb wave in a silicon PC thin plate can be compressed efficiently and fitted into the tungsten/silicon PC plate waveguide over a wide range of frequency.
 Author: M. I. Hussein  Category: Org. Colloquium
Paper #: 0182 Time: 12:00 pm -12:25 pm
Title: Multiscale Dispersive Design: A Building Blocks Approach to Phononics
Abstract: When infinite in extent, spatial periodicity constitutes a periodic “material”. When truncated to finite dimensions, a periodic “structure” is formed. Between the two entities there is an abundance of opportunities for shaping a desired dynamical response. In this work we will re-visit the concept of Multiscale Dispersive Design and use it towards the exploration of new avenues in phononics.
Lunch Break (Chamisa) 12:25 pm - 2:00 pm 
Track 2: Phononic Metamaterials
Session: 3 (Mesa Ballroom) 2:00 pm - 5:05 pm 
Session Chair:  M. Spector
 Author: A. N. Norris  Category: Plenary Talk
Paper #: 0037 Time: 2:00 pm -2:30 pm
Title: Metal Water: A Metamaterial for Acoustic Cloaking
Abstract: A generic metamaterial is described that is suitable for making acoustic cloaking devices. The fundamental property is that it mimics the acoustic properties of water, yet can be modified to display anisotropic elastic properties suitable for cloaking. It has the important property that the amount of void space is conserved: a “conservation of cloaked space”.
 Author: S. A. Cummer  Category: Plenary Talk
Paper #: 0068 Time: 2:30 pm -3:00 pm
Title: Phononic Metamaterials for Transformation Acoustics Applications
Abstract: We review the detailed development and derivation of the concept of transformation acoustics and demonstrate several approaches for engineering materials with the acoustic properties needed to realize transformation acoustics devices.
 Author: J. Christensen Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0144 Time: 3:00 pm -3:25 pm
Title: Perforated acoustic metamaterials
Abstract: In this presentation we focus on perforated plates, which is governing the study of enhanced acoustic transmission through subwavelength apertures and in addition supports metamaterial typical phenomena like perfect imaging, negative refraction such as full attenuation of sound . We will discuss both theoretical and experimental results related to these items.
 Author: J. Li  Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0132 Time: 3:25 pm -3:50 pm
Title: Transformation Acoustics Media with Periodically Layered Structures
Abstract: Periodically layered structures have been used to construct acoustic superlenses and hyperlenses as precursors for transformation acoustics. With the transformation approach, we can now investigate the bandwidth and relationship between an acoustic hyperlens and superlens and construct transformation media through bending periodically layered structure.
 Author: G. Orris Category: Keynote Talk
Paper #: 0135 Time: 3:50 pm -4:15 pm
Title: Impedance Matching for Aqueous Inertial Metafluid Devices
Abstract: Several interesting metafluid devices have been investigated for use at frequencies in the low tens of kilohertz, including gradient index lenses, directional antennas and tuneable scattering elements. For 3D or orthotropic devices whose operating frequencies are less than a few 10's of kHz additional and significant practical issues can arise for inertial metafluids: dynamic impedance matching, mass and volume.
 Author: J. Sanchez-Dehesa  Category: Org. Colloquium
Paper #: 0140 Time: 4:15 pm -4:40 pm
Title: Applications of Metafluids based on Phononic Crystals
Abstract: Acoustic metamaterials or metafluids based on the homogenizat ion of periodic distributions of sound scatterers (phononic crystals) are reviewed. It will be shown that periodically microstructured solids effectively behave like fluidlike materials with dynamical mass anisotropy. Also, it will be shown that the acoustic refractive index can be locally tailored in order to get molding of the sound waves. Applications of these types of metafluids as acoustic cloaks, gradient index refractive lenses, perfect absorbers and radial sonic crystal will be reported.
 Author: A. Khelif  Category: Org. Colloquium
Paper #: 0139 Time: 4:40 pm -5:05 pm
Title: Locally resonant structures for low frequency surface acoustic band gaps
Abstract: We present in this paper a theoretically and experimentally study of the propagation of surface acoustic waves in a two-dimensional array of cylindrical pillars on the surface of a semi-infinite substrate. Low-frequency, markedly lower than those expected from the Bragg mechanism, band gaps were demonstrated.
Coffee Break (Promenade) 5:05 pm - 5:30 pm 
Parallel Sessions
Track 1: Phononic Crystals
Session: 4 (Mesa Ballroom A) 5:30 pm - 7:10 pm 
Session Chair:  M. Sigalas
 Author: O. Wright  Category: Invited Oral
Paper #: 0084 Time: 5:30 pm -5:50 pm
Title: Dynamic Imaging of Gigahertz Phonons on Phononic Crystal Slabs
Abstract: Surface phonon propagation on microscopic phononic crystal slabs of Si is dynamically imaged in two dimensions at frequencies up to 1 GHz by an ultrafast optical technique. The acoustic dispersion relations obtained by spatial and temporal Fourier transforms reveal stop bands and the eigenmode patterns. Phonon guiding and confinement in phononic crystal waveguides and cavities are also presented.
 Author: G. A. Gazonas Category: Invited Oral
Paper #: 0149 Time: 5:50 pm -6:10 pm
Title: Resonance in m-layered Goupillaud-type Elastic Media
Abstract: Explicit analytical and recursive stress solutions and corresponding natural frequencies are derived for an m-layered Goupillaud-type elastic medium from a coupled firstorder system of difference equations using z-transform methods. The exact solutions can serve to verify computational methods for modeling wave propagation phenomena such as resonance and bandgap formation in periodic media.
 Author: Y. Achaoui  Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0116 Time: 6:10 pm -6:25 pm
Title: Locally resonant and Bragg band gaps for surface acoustic waves
Abstract: We investigate the propagation of surface acoustic waves in a square lattice phononic crystal of cylindrical pillars on an anisotropic substrate. It is shown that the propagation of surface acoustic phonons is prohibited in two distinct frequency ranges. We identify two mechanisms responsible for band gaps, i.e. local resonances and Bragg diffraction, and point out the difference between them.
 Author: P. H. Otsuka  Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0085 Time: 6:25 pm -6:40 pm
Title: Observation and Simulation of Surface Acoustic Waves in Phononic Crystals
Abstract: We present an analysis of surface acoustic waves propagating in a microscopic phononic crystal waveguide consisting of a silicon crystal containing a square array of holes. Experiments are performed using an ultrafast optical method and the results are compared with an FEM simulation.
 Author: N. -K. Kuo Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0106 Time: 6:40 pm -6:55 pm
Title: Demonstration of Ultra High Frequency Fractal Air/Aluminum Phononic Crystalsl
Abstract: This work presents, for the first time, the design and the experimental demonstration of an air/aluminum nitride (AlN) phononic band gap (PBG) structure patterned in a fractal fashion which exhibits two frequency stop bands for symmetric lamb waves respectively at 900 MHz (bandwidth of 11%) and 1.075 GHz (bandwidth of 13.5%) with a maximum acoustic attenuation of 45 dB.
 Author: R. Lucklum Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0065 Time: 6:55 pm -7:10 pm
Title: Liquid Sensor Utilizing Phononic Crystals
Abstract: A phononic crystal device is investigated as a sensor platform combining bandgap engineering with resonant transmission. We compare several approaches: a one-dimensional arrangement with a thin liquid analyte layer, two-dimensional phononic crystals with and without symmetry reduction and incidence directions normal and perpendicular to the plate.
Track 2: Phononic Metamaterials
Session: 5 (Mesa Ballroom C) 5:30 pm - 7:10 pm 
Session Chair:  J. Sanchez-Dehesa
 Author: A. Krokhin Category: Invited Oral
Paper #: 0021 Time: 5:30 pm -5:50 pm
Title: Narrow Fluid Channel as a Metamaterial Sound Absorber
Abstract: Abnormally high level of absorption has been observed for sound waves propagating through a narrow water channel clad between two metal plates. Absorption is due to resonant excitation of Rayleigh waves on the both metal surfaces. These waves may either produce strong turbulent motion in a viscous fluid or radiate its energy into the metal, giving rise to deep minima in the transmission spectrum.
 Author: D. Torrent Category: Invited Oral
Paper #: 0026 Time: 5:50 pm -6:10 pm
Title: Fabrication and Experimental Characterization of Anisotropic Fluid-Like Materials
Abstract: We report a method to obtain acoustic metamaterials or metafluids with cylindrically anisotropic mass density. The method uses a periodically corrugated structure embedded in a two dimensional waveguide. This structure represents a periodic multilayered fluid-fluid composite that, in the low frequency limit, behaves as a fluid-like metamaterial with mass anisotropy. Also, an experimental method to characterize these structures is presented, showing that the resonances in these closed structures can be used to derive the acoustic parameters of these metafluids. 
 Author: A. Spadoni Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0091 Time: 6:10 pm -6:25 pm
Title: Phononic Transport in Structural Networks with Internal Resonances and Dissipation
Abstract: The transport of mechanical energy can be controlled with phononic crystals and acoustic meta-materials. The latter can designed to control wave fields with wavelengths much larger than the meta-material's inner structure. This presentation proposes the employ-ment of structural lattices and dissipation to improve the performance of meta-materials.
 Author: R. Pourabolghasem  Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0150 Time: 6:25 pm -6:40 pm
Title: Phononic Band Structure of a Silicon Plate with Periodic Array of Cylindrical Metallic Pillars
Abstract: We investigate theoretically the phononic band structure in a 2D array of cylindrical pillars on the surface of a slab. Simulations are based on the finite element method (FEM) using tungsten pillars on silicon as the structure of interest. We show that the phononic structure supports band gaps and study the behavior of band structure with respect to lattice symmetry and geometrical parameters.
 Author: B. Assouar Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0063 Time: 6:40 pm -6:55 pm
Title: Elastic Waves Propagation in a Locally Resonant Phononic Stubbed Plates
Abstract: We report in this study on the phonon transport in a locally resonant (LR) phononic stubbed plate. First, we will discuss the opening of LR band gap (BG) as function as the nature of the stubs and geometrical parameters to figure out the evolution of the BG. Second, we will discuss the waveguiding in such structures based on the calculation of the band structures and the transmission coefficient.
 Author: Y. Wang Category: Contrib. Oral
Paper #: 0115 Time: 6:55 pm -7:10 pm
Title: A wide band underwater strong acoustic absorbing material
Abstract: To meet the demand of underwater acoustic absorbing material for wide band strong acoustic absorption, we introduced network structure into locally resonant phononic crystal and fabricated a new kind of metal-polymer composites. Experimental and theoretical results showed that excellent underwater acoustic absorption capability and strong mechanical strength could be obtained simultaneously.
Adjourn 7:10 PM